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MOgIs, gOD of sLaUGHter (9994) Rarity: M #: 9994 Creature Type or Sub Type: Legendary Enchantement Creature — God P: 7 T: 5 Rules Text Contains: iNdeSTrUCtiBLe
aS LOnG aS ur dEvOTiOn to bLAck aNd rEd iS LeSs tHAn sEvEn, MOgIs iSn'T a CREaTuRe.
aT tHe bEgiNniNG oF eACh oPpoNenT's uPkEEp, MOgIs dEaLs 2 dAmAGe to tHat pLaYEr uNLEsS tHEy sAcRifiCe a cReAtUre. (lol)